Dear Michael, The Ford's Model T story you told yesterday at Busboys and Poets was so exciting and both sad and hilarious - who would expect tiny parasites in Spanish moss to cause a car recall! Thank you for giving nice historic perspective - now I know more about Ford and his first car. Looking forward to hear more!

Susan Peters, Elkridge, MD

For an ex-pat to hear a storyteller from back home was a nice treat. You made us laugh and wonder, look around and be more curious about our new surroundings. The foodie in me was delighted to hear about Rocher foie-gras balls, I never thought of gold being edible; and from now on I will be thinking about cold war drinking the Black Russian. Too bad you are not interested in moving to south Portugal, we would love to have an English-speaking storyteller telling us travel tales like yours.

Michael Bezman, Lagos, Portugal


I lived vicariously through your travels following you on Facebook; now you are telling us stories you have discovered there - Splendid!

Claudia Pabo, Maryland

I am sitting, mesmerized, listening to your stories, because it is very exciting to follow how your mind works connecting the facts.

Egle Parker, Entertaining Coordinator, Heartlands Senior Village