As a traveler, I have had the privilege of discovering interesting stories about history and people wherever I go. Join me on a journey to explore the world through bite-sized captivating tales about anything and everything that an inquiring traveler encounters - events, history, people, animals, food, drinks, etc.

Experience the World Through Stories

Samples of My Story Bites

  • Georgia, USA: Ford's Model T and Spanish Moss - first car recall in history

  • Delaware, USA: Gentleman Farmer and his tree stuffed with railroad rails

  • Washington D.C., USA: A frat house for senators

  • Spain: How a missing tower of Malaga cathedral is related to American Revolution

  • Italy: Do you know that Colosseum in Rome was color green?

  • France: How a disgraced French diplomat made Suez and Panama canals happen

  • Germany: The cursed cathedral of Cologne

  • England: The stolen treasures of the world

  • Austria: Apple strudel meets boiled beef in Vienna

  • Portugal: Largest fish eggs ever

  • Greece: Santorini and the lost island of Atlantis

  • Croatia: Fires in Dubrovnik

  • Iceland: You escaped from prison, now what?

  • Botswana: My birthday cake made of elephant dung

  • South Africa: "Bring en braai" - DIY bring and roast

  • Japan: Why a female doctor is not allowed on sumo wrestlers ring

  • China: How the Panda got his marks

  • Brazil: How a rubber baron was sending his laundry from Amazon to Germany

  • Panama: Major Ronald Ross, malaria and mosquitoes

  • Costa-Rica: Mermaids grabbing swimmers during Holy Week

  • Mexico: Edible gold

As a traveler, I have had the privilege of discovering interesting stories about history and people wherever I go. Join me on a journey to explore the world through bite-sized captivating tales about anything and everything that an inquiring traveler encounters - events, history, people, animals, food, drinks, etc.

Countries traveled to ... and counting

Get in Touch

Let me know what you think about the stories you heard or want to hear
black DSLR camera near passport
black DSLR camera near passport